Singapore Expats
Are you looking for information on living in singapore? This site is a great resource for all Singapore Expats. Please have a look around.. Below are some more Stories by expats in Singapore – these are the blogs we like reading.
Singapore Expats Blogs
- Angry Ang Mo – Germany. A banker who’s been in Singapore for two years. He knows how we all sometimes feel!
- Aussie Pete – Australia. An informative look at expat life in Singapore, interspersed with news tidbits from Australia.
- Barry’s Blog – Rants, raves, and other musings.
- Chasing Thoth – Belgian. A Belgian blogger who’s been living in Singapore for over 6 years.
- Chronicles of a Pinoy Engineer in Singapore – Philippines. “Experiences, misadventures, ideas and tips from a Pinoy wireless network engineer in Singapore.”
- Erich’s Wuerstelstand – Austrian. “Real life stories, happenings, gossip, ramblings and events at the Wuerstelstand, the Chinatown Night Market and Singapore.”
- Laura in Singapore – Canada. Colorful pictures of Singapore.
- Life as Ays sees it – Philippines. Take a visual tour of Singapore through Ays’ eyes and photographs.
- Lundblog: Beautiful Letters – USA. “Literature, Politics, and the Expatriate Life”. A writer with some good reading recommendations.
- My Expat Life – USA. Living in Singapore, travelling everywhere (my kind of blogger!).
- My Life in Singapore – Australia. A “lady of alternate pursuits”, chronicling her life and times in Singapore.
- My Misadventure – Philippines. Stories of Marvin’s budget travels in and around Southeast Asia (and his life in Singapore, of course!).
- Notes from Singapore – UK. The Life and Fun-Filled Times of Expat Iz in Singapore
- Our Expat Adventure Living in Singapore – USA. The adventures of two American expats, Angela and Steven
- Pinay Jade – Philippines. Expat wife and blogaholic living in sunny Singapore.
- Red Dot Pinoys – Philippines. “Information and stories for Filipinos living in Singapore”
- Reflections – Malaysian. She muses about ten things she found weird about Singapore.
- Sandeep’s Blog – India. A comparison between life (and cost of living) in India and in Singapore.
- Singapore Kids Places – Australia. Milly is “an Aussie living in beautiful Singapore.”
- Singapore Sojourn – Read his post classifying expats into “Six Degrees of Perspiration“. Which one are you?
- Singapouresque – A French blog about life in Singapore. We read this one via Google’s automatic translation service.
- Sleepless in Singapore – Philippines. Travel, good food, and more travel… always looking for somewhere new to go.
- SuGar Pinoy – Philippines. “How to Get a Job, Get Rich and Live the Good Life in Singapore”
- Tales over Coffee – USA. An American in Asia. Read about his life in Singapore.
- The Singapore Diaries – UK. A beautifully designed and written journal of travels in and around Singapore.
- The Travelling Hungryboy – USA. Californian frequent traveller with a penchant for food blogging. Yum.
- The Wisdom of Eric – Singapore Edition! – USA. Swedish-American contributor to Singapore’s arts scene.
- The World is My Oyster – Australia. “A Chinese descendant, Indonesian by birth, turned Australian by choice, living in Singapore.” There’s bound to be something here all of us can relate to.
- Thoughts from Little Singapore – Indonesian. Check out her Singapore Survival Guide for Expat Wives
- Tokyo to Singapore – Expat Story – Australia. Learning to be an expat in hot and humid Singapore.
- Trying Singapore – USA. Two bloggers and their travel log. They’re leaving Singapore and going back to the US.
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Send an email to and include a colorful description of your blog.
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